School is around the corner, which means it’s time to make sure kids are healthy for the classroom. That includes making sure that kids with asthma have a plan. The most recent city data from 2017 shows that at least 60,000 children suffer from the disease.

Dr. Michael Cabana, physician-in-chief at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, joined “News All Day” for an important conversation on how to make sure your kids stay healthy.

Cabana recommends that parents check in with their child’s doctor to make sure the asthma action plan is updated and ready for the school year.

Every child has different triggers that cause the asthma to act up. It could be pollen, viral infections, exercise or environmental factors.

There’s no one test to diagnose asthma, but you can keep an eye out for symptoms that include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and sometimes chest pain.

The asthma action plan should include what to take if your child does not have symptoms, what to take if they have symptoms, what the symptoms are and what to do if the symptoms get out of hand.

Teachers can’t give medication to students without the asthma medication administration form being filled out by a parent or guardian.