Prospect Park is now a winter wonderland after multiple inches of snow fell Saturday morning in Brooklyn. 

“I decided I would trust the news. And sure enough, there was a lot of snow, and I knew getting up early in the morning just before the sun came up, that the lights, the streetlights and in the park would be so beautiful. So I came out to take a look at it — take a few pictures,” James Schlefer told NY1.

What You Need To Know

  • Prospect Park was a winter wonderland for Brooklyn community members Saturday
  • There was enough snow accumulation to bring out the skis and sleds
  • Parts of southern Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island had the highest snowfall totals
  • The city Department of Sanitation had more than 700 vehicles out Saturday morning to clear the snow off streets, highways and bike lanes

Schlefer called Tuesday’s minor snow event a dud, but called Saturday’s a day of joy.

There was enough snow accumulation Saturday at Prospect Park to bring out the skis and sleds. Children, parents and dogs were outside playing.

Parts of southern Brooklyn and Staten Island had the highest snowfall totals, topping out at around 9 inches.

The city Department of Sanitation said Saturday that it had more than 700 vehicles out to clear the snow off streets, highways and bike lanes, so people can be outside in the winter elements.

“I’m just excited to be out here in the snow, have a nice run, enjoy it. It’s beautiful,” Kevin Staples told NY1. “It’s like 30 degrees. I’ve run in like 15 [degrees]. So it’s actually pretty nice. I cannot complain at all. It’s one of the most beautiful parts of the year when it actually snows in New York. It’s really great to see.”