A Winter Storm Warning is in effect for New York City on Tuesday, with the city poised to see its largest accumulation of snow in three years.

What You Need To Know

  • The heaviest snow will happen on Tuesday between 6 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  • It will be a heavy and wet snow
  • About 6 inches could accumulate in the city
  • The storm will bring even more snowfall north and west of the city

Just when it seemed like winter conditions were over, cold and snow are returning.

A total of 6 inches is likely to fall in the city on Tuesday. Snow will create a messy start to the day on Tuesday, including during the morning rush.

Setting up the storm

A storm system will arrive from the south on Monday, and then pass through the city on Tuesday.

This storm has the potential to bring heavy snow to parts of the Hudson Valley, and about half a foot to parts of the five boroughs. 

Timing it out

There will be dry conditions on Monday morning. The first rain showers from the storm are expected to arrive after the evening rush.

On Tuesday morning, wet snow will be steady. The morning rush will be wet and cold, with the snow stopping by noon.

You’ll need to break out the shovels, and maybe the plows, to clear the expected accumulation.

Temperatures on Tuesday should warm above freezing and might limit how much snow and ice collect on streets and sidewalks.

Behind the storm in the city are cold temperatures, with readings mostly in the 20s and 30s for the rest of the week.

Take your time clearing the snow. It will be wet and heavy. Be sure to take breaks and to drink water.

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