Last month brought wild swings in our weather. Here’s a look back and what’s in store for April. 

What You Need To Know

  • The warmest temperature in March was 63 degrees

  • We had one day of snow in March

  • The forecast for April calls for above-average temperatures

March madness isn’t just about basketball, it can describe the weather in March, too. We often see wild swings in temperatures and we can see the sun one day and snow the next.

This March was a warm one overall. Temperatures averaged more than two degrees above average. The warmest day was 63 degrees, and the coldest saw temperatures bottom out at 29 degrees. That’s a temperature difference of more than 30 degrees. 

In terms of precipitation, March was slightly drier than the average. The total was just over three inches. Most of the precipitation was rain, but there was one day of snow.

On March 7, we measured 0.1 inches of snow. The average snowfall for March is near four inches. For the month, we had 11 days with precipitation. 

What’s in store for April? Long range forecasting is difficult and isn’t always accurate, but they are getting better. For April, the National Weather Service (NWS) is forecasting milder temperatures and near-average precipitation.

That combination should bring a surge of flowers and could make for an intense spring allergy season. Also, with the forecast for warmer temperatures, it’s safe to say that our chances for snow for the season are over. 


Feel free to put away the snow shovel and ice scraper for the year. 

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