February is always the shortest month on the calendar, but in New York City it can feel like the longest. 

What You Need To Know

  • Snowfall in February was only 2 inches

  • The warmest temperature in February was 68 degrees

  • The coldest day of the month was Valentine's Day

This February, we got a bit of a winter break in the Big Apple. Temperatures were above average and snowfall was much below the normal levels.

On average, NYC sees about 10 inches of snow during the month of February. This year, we only had 2 inches. Maybe the weather was making up for last February when the total snowfall for the month was 26 inches?

Overall, the month was more dry than wet. There was only rain on 10 out of the 28 days, with the total precipitation for the month was just reaching over 3 inches.

If all of that precipitation was snow, we would've had nearly thirty inches of snow. However, temperatures were on the warm side. 

Our winter break in February included two days where temperatures peaked at 68 degrees. That happened on Feb. 17 and Feb. 23.

Overall, temperatures for the month were over two degrees above the average. Not every day was warm, though.

Hearts were frozen on Valentine's Day, not only making it the coldest day of the month but also the coldest Valentine’s Day in six years. Highs peaked at 25 degrees, with an observed low of 16 degrees.

Heading into next month, we'll set our clocks ahead for daylight saving time, which begins on Mar. 13. One week later, we'll celebrate the astronomical start of spring with the vernal equinox on Mar. 20.