The city’s new top cop may not be a department insider, but Tom Donlon has a long resume in law enforcement, having held top jobs on both the state and federal levels.

What You Need To Know

  • Tom Donlon has a long resume in law enforcement, including high-level jobs in the FBI and state Homeland Security

  • He becomes the third NYPD commissioner since Mayor Eric Adams took office in 2022

  • Commissioner Keechant Sewell left unexpectedly in June 2023 after just 18 months on the job amid friction with City Hall

Mayor Eric Adams emphasized Donlon’s experience in announcing his appointment Thursday.

“He served as New York’s director of the Office of Homeland Security, ran the FBI’s National Threat Center, and the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force, and worked as the co-case agent investigating the 1993 Twin Towers bombing,” Adams said.

Donlon most recently worked in private security, having founded a company called Global Security Resolutions. 

City Hall released a statement from Donlon that read in part, “My goals are clear: continue the historic progress decreasing crime and removing illegal guns from our communities, uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency, and support our dedicated officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe.”

In an exclusive interview with NY1, former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said Donlon seemed to be a good choice. He said he expects a committee will vet candidates for the permanent job.

“It seems to me that he has the right experience to hit the ground running,” Kelly said. “I think it was the right thing for the Mayor to go outside of the police department at this time for an interim choice. I assume that means that a panel of some sort will be put together.”

Edward Caban, by contrast, was an insider and a 32-year veteran of the NYPD when Adams made him the department’s first Latino commissioner in July of last year.

“Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I am humbled to be on your team, to have your trust and support,” Caban said during his swearing-in ceremony.

Overall crime saw declines during Caban’s time in office, which was marked by the shooting death of Officer Jonathan Diller and the police raids of student encampments at Columbia University and elsewhere.

But he leaves under the cloud of a federal investigation. His predecessor, Keechant Sewell, also cut her tenure short, leaving unexpectedly after just 18 months on the job amid friction with City Hall.

It’s unclear if Donlon himself will be a candidate for the permanent job.

The mayor faces several challenges in next year’s Democratic primary, and his commissioner would likely be replaced if a new mayor were to take office in January 2026.