Americans are less satisfied today with many aspects of the country than they were when President Joe Biden took office three years ago, a new Gallup poll found.

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  • Americans are less satisfied today with many aspects of the country than they were when President Joe Biden took office three years ago, a new Gallup poll found.

  • The survey asked more than 1,000 U.S. adults about 29 different areas related to American life and compared the results to a January 2021 poll

  • The respondents had a lower opinion on 12 facets and an improved view on five, while holding relatively steady on 12 others

  • The biggest drops in public satisfaction were seen in the nation’s military strength and preparedness, immigration levels, gun policies and laws, and energy policies

The survey asked more than 1,000 U.S. adults about 29 different areas related to American life and compared the results to a January 2021 poll.

The respondents had a lower opinion on 12 facets and an improved view on five, while holding relatively steady on 12 others.

In addition, Americans had what Gallup refers to as an “anemic” satisfaction level (33% or lower) in 14 aspects while it had “strong” satisfaction (50% or higher) in just six. They were the most down on the nation’s efforts to deal with poverty and homelessness (16%) while the most pleased with overall quality of life (67%).

The biggest drops in public satisfaction were seen in the nation’s military strength and preparedness (down 12 percentage points to 62%), immigration levels (down 11 points to 28%), gun policies and laws (down 11 points to 31%), and energy policies (also down 11 points to 31%).

Other areas in which Americans have grown less content are federal taxes, medical care, abortion, income and wealth distribution, the economy, public education, regulation of businesses and industries, and the position of women in the nation.

While public satisfaction has dipped on military strength and women’s position in the country, those are the only two of those 12 aspects in which the majority of Americans still have a favorable view. Fifty-seven percent said they are satisfied with the position of women in the U.S., down five points from 2021.

The five areas in which Americans have grown more satisfied since Biden took office are the position Blacks and other racial minorities play in the nation (up eight percentage points to 43%), the size and power of the federal government (up eight points to 39%), race relations (up seven points to 30%), our system of government and how well it works (up six points to 33%), and the country’s moral and ethical climate (up five points to 23%). 

While Biden cannot be blamed for all the areas in which Americans are less satisfied — for instance, changes on abortion views likely reflect the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022; three of the high court's justices who made the ruling were appointed by his predecessor —  the poll comes a few weeks after another by Gallup that signaled an unfavorable view of the president’s job performance. In that survey, 61% of voters said they do not think Biden deserves to be reelected, while 38% said they believe he should.

The public satisfaction poll also asked Americans for their opinions on the environment, policies to reduce or control crime, overall quality of life, Social Security and Medicare, and health care affordability. In addition, respondents shared their views on the acceptance of gays and lesbians in the nation, the size  and influence of major corporations, the nation’s security from terrorism, the opportunity to get ahead in the U.S. by working hard, efforts to deal with poverty and homelessness, the nation’s role in world affairs, and the influence of organized religion.

On those 12 questions, satisfaction levels remained relatively flat, shifting no more than three percentage points in either direction compared to 2021.

The poll also found partisan divides on several issues. The widest were on the state of the economy (56% of Democrats and 15% of Republicans satisfied), the size and power of the federal government (58% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans approved), and the nation’s security from terrorism (69% of Democrats and 32% of Republicans content). 


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