Rep. Dan Goldman is calling on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other Republicans to explain what and when they knew about Rep. George Santos' lies.

Goldman, a Democrat who represents lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, is "demanding full cooperation with all investigations into [Santos'] fraudulent conduct," he wrote on Twitter Sunday morning.

Santos, who was sworn in earlier this month, has admitted to lying about many biographical details, including where he went to college, whether he has Jewish roots and if his mother's death was connected to 9/11.

Reports emerged last week that some high-ranking Republicans knew about Santos' lies for years and did nothing about them.

Goldman and Rep. Ritchie Torres, a Bronx Democrat, filed an ethics complaint against Santos last Tuesday. They are just two of the many people who have called for Santos to resign.

Members of the Nassau County Republican Committee last Wednesday called on Santos to quit, saying the politician ran a "campaign of deceit."

The state Republican Party chair and Santos' fellow member of Congress, Nick Langworthy, backed the decision.

McCarthy, who endorsed Santos and helped his campaign, has yet to comment negatively on his peer's actions.

"I try to stick by the Constitution. The voters elected him to serve. If there is a concern and it has to go through ethics, we'll let it move through that," McCarthy said on Wednesday.