Rep. Ritchie Torres was sworn into Congress just days before the insurrection at the Capitol.

“It’s discouraging to be here in the Capitol. It feels like a warzone,” he told NY1 in an interview Wednesday morning.

While Torres believes incoming President Joe Biden is the best hope for unifying the country, he is still concerned about violence from some pro-Donald Trump supporters.

“I feel like he is uniquely positioned to heal the wounds that have been left by the device of the destructive presidency of Donald Trump,” he said.

“There’s no reason to think that those attempts are going to magically disappear immediately after the inauguration. I worry that we are going to have to live with violent extremism as a fact of life in American politics,” Torres added.

Members of both parties will be at Biden’s inauguration. But there will be one notable absence: outgoing President Trump. Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, told NY1 it is not surprising Trump will not be there. 

“He didn’t come in in a gracious fashion, and he’s not exiting in a gracious fashion,” Jeffries said.

But he thinks Biden will be a president for all.

“Joe Biden will continue to make clear that he’s going to be the president for those Americans who voted for him, and for those who didn’t vote for him,” said Jeffries.

Congressman Jamaal Bowman echoed similar sentiments, saying he is looking forward to new leadership.

“I feel a sense of joy for the first time in a long time. I feel a sense of excitement. Good riddance,” Bowman told NY1.

Newly-elected Bowman is the first African American to hold the seat, which covers The Bronx and Westchester. He compared his rise to that of Kamala Harris, the first woman and first person of color to serve as vice president.

“We are a multiracial democracy, we are better as a multiracial democracy,” said Bowman.

Bowman, Torres and Jeffries are all counting on Biden for desperate federal financial support, especially with the city and state on the brink of collapse.

They hope the incoming administration will better assist with funding, food insecurity, housing and recharging the economy. They also think Biden is better suited to conquer coronavirus.

Torres said he hopes the new president will be able to facilitate more vaccine supply by invoking the Defense Production Act.

Jeffries said he also expects consequences for those involved with the insurrection on the Capitol on Jan. 6.