A lot goes on in Leon Feingold’s mind as he picks up food donations for those in need and stuffs in the back of his bus.

“A bit of a combination of altruism and tetris,” he said. “I want to make sure everything fits.”

Altruism is a driver for Feingold.

With his colorful converted school bus, Feingold is the co-founder of the House of Good Deeds, a Manhattan organization that connects people to volunteer opportunities.

What You Need To Know

  • Leon Feingold is the co-founder of the House of Good Deeds, an organization that organizes support of local charities and holds large supply distributions

  • Feingold launched the House of Good Deeds with his late wife, Yuanyuan Wang

  • When Wang learned her body was being ravaged by cancer, her and Feingold's friends quickly arranged healthcare and threw together a wedding

“Making the world better by thinking of others,” he said.

Feingold’s co-founder was his late wife, Yuanyuan Wang

“We always loved doing things, adventures, learning things, going to museums,” he said.

Days after Feingold proposed in 2016, the couple found out Wang had metastatic cancer — with 70 tumors throughout her body.

With a limited amount of time left, their village stepped up. They found and paid for Wang’s medical care since she did not have insurance.

“It felt incredible, especially since we were so overwhelmed by her diagnosis,” Feingold said. “We just didn’t know what to do.”

One friend planned the couple’s nuptials in under a week. Another used connections to fly Wang’s family in from China.

“At our wedding, we exchanged vows, and we vowed to our guests that we would find a way to pay it forward,” Feingold said.

Wang passed away a short time later but her House of Good Deeds, lived on.

It’s currently a network of volunteers, hundreds strong, pitching in at neighborhood clean-ups, educational workshops and more.

Feingold picks up donated food in the Good Deeds Bus and brings it to a local family shelter each week. He collects boxes of clothes and other donations for the organization’s massive monthly giveaways.

“For me, at least, it’s a really nice way of keeping Yuan’s spirit alive, even if the rest of her isn’t.”

For using love to steer others toward a kinder world, Leon Feingold is our New Yorker of the Week.