ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, N.C. — Members of Rockingham County High School's Students Against Destructive Decisions invited first responders to put on a mock car crash and rescue ahead of their prom.
Dozens of Rockingham County first responders were dispatched Tuesday to the high school in ambulances, police cars and a helicopter to show students what it's like to be at the scene of a deadly drunk driving wreck.
According to the CDC, about seven teens ages 13 to 19 die every day from motor vehicle crash injuries.
Rockingham County Emergency Services Director Rodney Cates said considering four things can save any driver from an accident.
“Speeding, distractions, alcohol use and lack of seatbelts. If they would take those things in into consideration and be mindful of those things then certainly we are preserving that life” Cates explained.
After the presentation, many students signed a prom pledge to refrain from drinking, taking drugs and being distracted driving on the big night.
School SADD President Laurel-Ann Attaway said the presentation and the pledge also serves a reminder of the influence teens have on each other.
“If I hear a friend talking about someone going somewhere after prom, I will definitely be telling them to be safe and to know the impacts of drinking and how it can impact not only you but other people and other families,” she said.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that traffic crashes were the leading cause of death for teens 15 to 18 in 2022.
Click here for tips on talking to teens about safe, cautious driving.