President Joe Biden announced Thursday that he will nominate a former Obama administration official to lead the Federal Aviation Administration after his first choice withdrew March after running into opposition from Republican senators.

What You Need To Know

  • President Joe Biden announced Thursday that he will nominate Michael G. Whitaker, a former deputy administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under the Obama administration, as the head of the agency

  • The agency, which regulates airline safety and manages the nation's airspace, has been without a Senate-confirmed leader since March 2022

  • The FAA faces a number of challenges including a shortage of air traffic controllers, aging technology and alarm over close calls between planes at major airports

  • Whitaker is currently the chief operating officer of Supernal, a Hyundai affiliate working to develop an air taxi aircraft; he previously worked as a lawyer for TWA, which was absorbed by American Airlines, and spent 15 years at United Airlines where he became a senior vice president and oversaw international and regulatory affairs

The White House said Thursday that Biden will nominate Michael G. Whitaker, a former deputy administrator at the FAA, and currently the chief operating officer of Supernal, a Hyundai affiliate working to develop an air taxi aircraft.

Whitaker's nomination had been expected for months, and Biden's announcement was praised by several industry and labor groups.

The FAA, which regulates airline safety and manages the nation's airspace, has been without a Senate-confirmed leader since March 2022, when Steve Dickson, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, stepped down. Prior to Dickson's confirmation in July 2019, the agency was without a permanent head since January 2018.

The FAA faces a number of challenges including a shortage of air traffic controllers, aging technology and alarm over close calls between planes at major airports. In addition, Congress is deliberating over legislation that will direct the agency's operations for the next five years.

Whitaker worked as a lawyer for TWA, which was absorbed by American Airlines, spent 15 years at United Airlines where he became a senior vice president and oversaw international and regulatory affairs, then moved to InterGlobe, a travel company in India.

Whitaker was deputy FAA administrator – a job that does not require Senate approval – from 2013 to 2016. He is currently the chief commercial officer for Supernal, a Hyundai subsidiary that is working on an electric-powered air taxi — which would need FAA certification to fly in the United States.

The White House said Whitaker holds a private-pilot license.

Last year, Biden nominated Denver International Airport CEO Phillip Washington, but he withdrew in March after his nomination stalled in the Senate Commerce Committee. Republicans and independent Kyrsten Sinema argued that Washington lacked adequate aviation experience — his background is mostly in city transit systems, having held the Denver airport job only since mid-2021.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who led the GOP opposition to Biden's first pick, gave a noncommittal statement about the second choice.

"We must carefully evaluate Mike Whitaker's qualifications, experience, and temperament to determine whether he is the right person to lead the agency at this critical juncture," Cruz said.

The FAA has lacked a Senate-confirmed leader since early last year, when Stephen Dickson, who was chosen by President Donald Trump, quit midway through his five-year term.

Since then, the agency has been run by three successive acting administrators. The first, Billy Nolen, who left FAA in June to join another air taxi company, Archer Aviation, praised Whitaker's nomination in a recent interview. "I can't think of a better choice," he said. "He will do an amazing job."

Nicholas Calio, president of the trade group Airlines for America, said Whitaker has extensive experience including on modernizing the air traffic system. He said Whitaker appreciates "the collaborative partnership between industry and government" to keep air travel safe.

Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, urged the Senate to confirm Biden's pick quickly. "Whitaker has the experience to step into the role and immediately lead us forward," she said.