There’s a very happy ending to a story we brought you this week about a missing tortoise named Doris: he is now back with his grateful family in Brooklyn, and they say it was because of our story.

Last Week, Doris escaped from the backyard of the Torres family's Bay Ridge home. They spent days searching for the African Leopard Tortoise, even putting up signs and starting a Facebook page.

After nine days, they had started to give up hope. Then, they received an email that he had been found. 

Picture of Laura Torres (left), animal rescue specialist Robert Shapiro (right), and Doris (center).

It turns out a Staten Island family had found him and brought him to the Staten Island Zoo, who then gave him to rehabilitation specialist Robert Shapiro in Manhattan. Shapiro says he saw our story.

"I was watching the news today and all of sudden I was looking at the tortoise in my apartment on TV. It was incredible,” Shapiro said.

Editor’s Note:

A previous version of this story stated that the Torres family believed the tortoise was a female; however, the Torres family knew the tortoise was a male.