A band played "This Is How We Do It" on artificial turf as city officials finally did it and opened up a temporary park in Downtown Brooklyn 15 years after it was promised.
The Willoughby Park Square Pop-up Park was built by the city's Economic Development Corporation. It's a 15,000-square-foot greenspace on Willoughby Street between Gold and Duffield Streets on a site that used to be a street level parking lot. When the Bloomberg Administration rezoned the area in 2004, open space was part of the deal.
"It's the only open space that was part of that rezoning and there's been one snag after another for the last 15 years," said City Councilman Stephen Levin.
To make good on the promise, EDC backed away from the original design which inlcuded a multi level underground parking garage saying the developer couldn't deliver.
"We decided to take it upon oursleves and move forward with the project so we could deliver on the commitment that we made to the community," said EDC’s Rachel Loeb.
The rezoning brought massive high rises to Downtown Brooklyn, mostly luxury housing with an influx of some 12,000 new residents. The first commercial building is finally going up. But to truly make this a mixed used community, the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership says open space here was much needed.
"To us, it's a key street. It connects Downtown Brooklyn to Fort Greene Park. It has a great entree onto Flatbush Avenue," said Regina Myer, president of the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership.
Plans are underway for a permanent park here that will span more than one acre. Officials say that design will include a commemoration to the abolitionist history of the neighborhood. Duffield Street is believed to be a stop on the Underground Railroad. Construction on the actual park is expected to happen late next year. But many enjoyed the temporary space which will be open through next summer.
“I used to park my car here. To actually see the change it's a good feeling. And it's green and it's sunny and warm so it feels good to be here," said one visitor.
"I think it's beautiful. I can't wait for it to become a permanent thing where they have more trees, a little bit more shade," said another.
The pop-up park is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Brooklyn Pop-up Park Built 15 Years After Promised
PUBLISHED 8:44 AM EDT Jul. 10, 2019