The FDNY welcomed 170 new Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) to its ranks Tuesday.

One of the probationary EMTs: Donna Jaworski, valedictorian of her EMS Academy class and a familiar face to the department.

"I came through in 1993," Jaworski said. "The graduation is much more extravagant this time around."

Jaworski was a city EMT for 10 years. During the September 11th attacks, she was on family leave, home with her first-born, but that did not stop her from going to the World Trade Center site to help search for the remains of co-workers.

"Where most people want to run away from a situation like that, when you are a first responder you feel compelled to run towards that," Jaworski said.

Jaworski left the EMS in 2003 to take care of her growing family. Over the next 16 years, she helped train other EMS workers at private companies.

Now that her three children are older, she decided to become a city EMT again. Jaworski had to return to the academy because so much has changed about the job since she left.

Jaworski said the classroom work came easy, but the physical demands of the training proved challenging to the 47-year-old nicknamed "Momma Donna" by her fellow probies.

"A lot for me was over coming my own self-doubt at this stage of the game because I was twice the age of most of these kids," Jaworski said. "But I think that if you really love something, don't let fear get in the way; just go for it."

Jaworski comes from a family of service. Her father is a retired firefighter and her husband is a retired NYPD lieutenant. She said the decision to return to the EMS came easily.

"I love the FDNY. I did 27 years myself and I am happy to have a family representative back of the job," added William Kammerer, Jaworski's father.

Jaworski will work out of Station 54 in Queens.


Image above courtesy of the FDNY.

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