Financial worries, racism, police violence — these can have an effect on the mental health of Black Men. And all will be discussed at Adelphi University this weekend.

Schanica Pickens and Arron Muller, co-chairs of “BreaKING the Ice: Black Men’s Mental Health and Wellness conference” joined “News All Day” with more on the importance of the topic.

Last year’s successful conference allowed many attendees to connect with the mental health professionals who spoke, so they held another one this year.

Muller points out that it’s important for Black men to see Black therapists on their journey to seek mental health care.

Pickens says that Black men sometimes are discouraged from tapping into their feelings, and so the pressure and burdens of life can lead to shame and embarrassment.

The conference is for all ages. Attendees can discover the type of therapist they need, the level of services and care offered in their communities, and find some mentorship.

For more information or to attend, go to and search for the Black Men’s Mental Health and Wellness conference.