Good morning, New York City. Here's what you need to know today.

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It's the hottest day of the week today, with highs in the mid-90s and a few storms. 

A Heat Advisory and an Air Quality Alert are in place.

Highs: Mid-90s

Hot and stormy

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Around NYC

1. Chief Jeffrey Maddrey's administrative trial postponed, NYPD says

A police department trial of a high ranking-NYPD official has been put on hold, the NYPD said Thursday.

The NYPD confirmed on Thursday that Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey's administrative trial has been postponed. Sources tell NY1’s Dean Meminger that the trial is being pushed back several weeks.

2. Manhattan students to get priority at these high schools

The city will give students living in Manhattan priority for admission to six of the borough’s top public high schools, Schools Chancellor David Banks announced Thursday.

“So many Manhattan kids went to schools that were a long train ride away. That doesn’t make sense to me,” Banks said. “So we want all of our parents to be able to their kids to good high schools that are close to home.”

3. Council speaker says budget is in a 'holding pattern'

Earlier this week, Mayor Eric Adams fielded questions about nailing a budget deal with City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams by the June 30 deadline with the utmost confidence.

“Adrienne and I are very competent,” the mayor said on Monday. “We know how to get in the room and land the plane.”

Around the Nation

1. Democratic campaign chiefs bank on abortion as key 2024 issue ahead of 2nd anniversary of Dobbs

2. How Democrats are trying to keep their U.S. Senate majority this fall

3. IRS says ‘vast majority’ of 1 million pandemic-era credit claims show a risk of being improper

Picture of the Day