Sunday marks the 62nd annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade, the biggest celebration of Puerto Rican Day in New York City. It is a bright, colorful spectacle that attracts a massive crowd. And New York’s Puerto Rican community has much to celebrate. But there are also issues facing Puerto Rican New Yorkers, like affordable housing, education, the effect the citizenship census question will have on their neighborhoods and, of course, the slow recovery from Hurricane Maria. But we start with the celebration! Louis Maldonado talks about the origins of the parade, born out of a time when Puerto Ricans were forbidden from flying their flag in the U.S., and about how the parade has grown along with the population. New York is now home to the largest Puerto Rican population outside of the island. Bobby Sanabria is a world-famous Latin jazz percussionist, an eight-time Grammy nominee. He talks about how his music took him from the South Bronx and let him see the world, why it’s so important to give back to his community now, and what it means to be the Parade’s “Godfather.”
Celebrating Puerto Rico
PUBLISHED June 10, 2019 @5:24 PM