It's about that time to find out if we will enjoy an early spring or more weeks of winter as the Staten Island Zoo prepares for Groundhog Day. As NY1's Thabie Sibanda explains, "Staten Island Chuck" is one of the most accurate groundhogs on record.
As flakes flew Tuesday, there was a question on the minds of many.
"Question everybody is asking Chuck going to predict an early spring or will there be more weeks of winter?" said Deputy Borough President Edward Burke.
Thursday February 2, 2017, which is Groundhog's Day, Chuck is expected to give his prediction. The tradition stems from an ancient belief that hibernating creatures like Chuck are able to predict the arrival of spring. If Chuck looks at his shadow when he pops out of his den...winter will last another six weeks.
The zoo claims that Chuck has been right 29 out of 34 years, an 85 percent accuracy rate. The Weather Channel has ranked him as the number 2 groundhog to watch.
"I don't want him to see his shadow. I'm looking forward to an early spring but you know that's up to Chuck," said zoo Executive Director Ken Mitchell.
It's not clear if Mayor Bill Di Blasio will attend the event this year. The last time he did in 2014 a stand-in groundhog died days after falling from his arms.
Rebecca Orens, the Assistant Manager for the Children’s Center, says Chuck’s caretakers have spent the last few weeks preparing for this year’s event, getting the groundhog comfortable in his surroundings.
"What we like to do his offer him up his favorite food and bring him out to his den, get familiar with it so that we can get ready to see the crowd," said Orens.
"It's like our version of Christmas. The staff is pepped up and excited. Chuck is getting ready to go," said Mitchell.
They are expecting more than a hundred people, a crowd that continues to grow each year with more school-aged children attending.
"It's a fun event where anything can happen you know. But mostly it's a teaching moment for kids. That's why we support it every year," said Burke.
And like 2016, they are hoping Chuck predicts another early spring but only the shadow knows.
The doors to the event open at 6:30am and the ceremony is expected to start at 7am.