NY1's latest Queens People of the Week are making sure people have somewhere to turn if they need help stocking their cupboards. NY1's Leisha Majtan introduces us.
Kale, corn, and carrots, those are just some of the fresh produce items the "Hour Children Food Pantry" has in stock for people in need.
The Long Island City food pantry operates thanks to donations and volunteers.
Like Wilma Sledge.
After retiring, she needed an extra hand filling her own refrigerator.
That was 10 years ago -- now Sledge dedicates her time to the same food pantry that once helped her.
"It made me feel good to know that I had, you know, pantries, different ones. But this one is the best, " says Sledge.
The non-profit organization "Hour Children" runs the pantry.
Its main mission is to help formerly incarcerated women and their children get back on their feet.
But it also works to make sure EVERYONE in the community has access to healthy food.
"There are a lot of people in need who are basically struggling to put food on the table," says volunteer Maxine Dukes.
The pantry is open three days a week -- and no matter the weather -- hundreds line up outside for hours to fill their grocery carts.
Once inside, they're able to pick out the items they want, just like at a grocery store.
"It just brings dignity back. You come in, you have your grocery bag, you're able to choose what you'd like. Because most pantries just hand out brown bags and you never know what you're going to get," said volunteer Nina Strazzulla.
Volunteers say working so closely with people in need helps put things in perspective every day.
And so, for helping to fill the stomachs of those in need, the Hour Children Food Pantry volunteers are our Queens People of the Week.