NEWBURGH, N.Y. -- Najjah Scott joined the city of Newburgh Police Department two years ago.

At the time, she was the first female African American officer to be on the force in the city. 

We’re here pretty much setting an example of those welcoming others that should come into the police force," Scott said.

On Saturday, she was one of several members of the department at Newburgh Armory Unity Center, recruiting the next round of potential police officers for the city. 

“We’re here talking to people about the job they can expect from it," Newburgh police chief Dan Cameron said. "We have some equipment here that we’re showing them.”

Members from different areas of the department were on hand to share stories and talk about the job. 

Cameron says a similar open house ahead of the last police test drew a record number of test-takers.  He also says high on the department's priority list is hiring people who live in the city.

"We have to show people what we do on an every day basis, and show people that it is a great job," Cameron said.

“In the months that I’ve been on the streets, I’ve seen a lot of positive, from children and parents as well," Newburgh police officer Melissa Loscerbo said.

And if joining the police department isn't on the mind of these residents, officers say Saturday's event was still a good opportunity to interact with the public. 

They're working to continuously build a strong relationship with the community.

“It gives them a chance to see the police department at a time where it’s not an aggressive situation or police action," said Philip Howard, Newburgh Armory Unity Center member.

“To have them here and see the police hands-on and interactive with the children here, to know that they are somebody you can count on," New Windsor resident Ron Foreman said.

Applicants have until the end of the day Friday to apply for the next Newburgh police exam, which takes place on November 19.