Crossed wires created a dangerous situation for one Staten Island homeowner who reached out to NY1 For You and got help. Susan Jhun filed the following NY1 for You report.

Staten Island homeowner Christine Pavia says NY1 For You finally opened the lines of communication, getting a leaning telephone pole in front of her home removed.

I am eternally grateful that NY1 got involved and I have no more pole so that's a great thing.

Earlier this week, NY1 for You told viewers how the pole was pushed down by Hurricane Sandy, pulling wires off Pavia's house.

At the time, the homeowner says Verizon came and put up a new pole but left the old slanted one with all the wires attached, simply tying it to the new pole with rope.

They took the first pole and said they were going to tie it to the second pole, and they said, 'Well, it's not going to fall, but it's going to stabilize that pole until we can get the proper people out here to move all the wires,'" Pavia said. "Well, it's two years later. I don't know how long the rope lasts."

Pavia told us her repeated calls to Verizon had no effect.

NY1 for You contacted Verizon, and after looking into the situation, a spokesman told us the company had the pole queued up for removal, but a streetlight had to be removed first by the Department of Transportation. 

A couple of days after we contacted Verizon and DOT, the pole was finally removed after two long years.

"I am so thankful for you and the time you guys took to help me," Pavia said. "I really mean that from the bottom of my heart."