Just because the snow has stopped, doesn't mean work has slowed for the Clifton Park Highway Department.

"We have been working diligently day and night, making multiple runs,” said Dahn Bull, the town’s highway superintendent. “Right now we are really in our cleanup mode and that is going to take another day or two."

Between Sunday and Tuesday, Bull says 28 inches of snow left the town under a vast white blanket.

"Our average snowfall for the winter season is about 60 inches,” Bull said. “Between the start of our snowfall in early November until now, we have had already over 30 inches of snow so we are halfway there."

With 230 miles of roads to treat and plow, Bull says this past storm ate up more than 850 tons of salt; about a tenth of what the town typically uses during the entire season.

"It’s not abnormal for a storm that last more than 36 hours to go through that amount," he said.

Despite the heavy volume, Bull expects their supply to last through the winter.

"It takes the same amount of salt to clear away a dusting as it does clean away 4 inches of snow, so if we are going to get half of our snow in a few days, we will be fine in our wallets,” Bull said.

On Wednesday the department's 22 plows spent most of their time pushing back snow banks to give drivers more room and to create space for the next storm's snow.

"Our plow drivers right now are weaving in and out of mailboxes and driveways and whatever open area we have to push that snow back, we push it back," Bull said.

With more than three months until spring, it is a near constant grind that will continue.

"It is a lot, but I believe we handle it pretty well,” Bull said. “We have 22 routes, 22 trucks out there and I have 30 guys under me and we are out there every time it snows battling the forces of nature."