A group of cycling advocates that goes by the tongue-in-cheek name, "Department of Transformation," took biking infrastructure into their own hands with a quick run to the hard-ware store.
Earlier this week, the anonymous cyclists sent a message with a DIY fix.
Six toilet plungers at $4.99 each, they say, were placed at thecorner of 5th Avenue and West 10th st among other locations. The group tweeted several videos and pictures demonstrating their quick fix, tweeting "Mixing zones in New York City, cars and bicycles are expected to share space, are known to be dangerous. They force cyclists going straight into the same space as drivers making turns."
They say installation shows the extended barriers in mixed zones keep people safe by preventing cars from prematurely cutting into the bike lane when drivers make turns.
After 15 cyclists have been killed this year alone, the group tells NY1 they want to send a message to the mayor and his Vision Zero program.
"It doesn’t take a lot of resources to protect people, as our installation shows. All it takes is political will, creativity, and a mindset that prioritizes safety over parking and moving cars," a spokesperson said.
The actual NYC Department of Transportation responded, saying the agency is updating intersection designs around the city. A spokesman added, it cannot install objects similar to road colors in crosswalks because it obstructs pedestrians' right of way, especially for those with disablities.