It was an important week for the future of the Republican party. Eight candidates squared off Wednesday night for the first time on the debate stage in the presidential race.

Notably absent was front runner and former president Donald Trump, who opted to do a taped interview instead.

All of this comes as both Trump and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani were booked at Fulton County Jail in Georgia this week, over their alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Despite Trump’s growing legal troubles, the former president continues to hold a large lead in Republican polls and is using his historic fourth arrest as a rallying call for supporters.

Rob Hornak, a Republican strategist and veteran of many political battles in New York, joined NY1 political anchor Errol Louis on “Inside City Hall” Friday to talk more about how the Republican presidential field is shaping up.

“There is a very large Trump contingent within the Republican party,” Hornak said. “Trump is far and away the number one. He’s the likely nominee at this point in time unless something really incredible happens to change the face of this election.”