Residents at an apartment building on Evergreen Avenue in Bushwick, Brooklyn, accused their first-floor neighbor of intentionally starting a fire.

They also claimed the neighbor attempted to stop them from trying to get out safely.

What You Need To Know

  • According to police, the department is investigating whether the fire in Brooklyn may have been set on purpose, but hasn’t determined a cause yet

  • The FDNY said nine residents were injured during Tuesday morning’s fire

  • One person has serious injuries, officials said

“Someone had to remove him, and me and my cousin had to push through to go inside,” resident Natasha VanCartier said.

According to police, the department is investigating whether the fire may have been set on purpose, but hasn’t determined a cause yet.

The FDNY said nine residents were injured during Tuesday morning’s fire. One person has serious injuries said.

“It was a huge puff of smoke. It was really difficult to breathe,” resident Christopher Roque said.

The 17-year-old now has cuts and burns on his arms.

“My dad found a cable, and he [came up] an idea that maybe it can help us get down to the ground floor,” Roque said.

Roque’s parents and brothers were sent to the hospital with smoke inhalation. One of his brothers has serious burns.

Fire victims, like Roque and his father, returned to the building waiting in the sweltering heat to get inside and collect what they could.

The Red Cross is helping a total of 11 people, including the Roques, with financial assistance and lodging.

Police are searching for the suspect. The fire is under investigation, according to the FDNY.