The Torres family lives in Bay Ridge with their African leopard tortoise, Doris, that they've owned for 22 years. She was roaming the backyard last Wednesday when she managed to venture out through a forgotten open gate. Since that day the family has put up flyers, made a facebook page, and reached out to everyone they know to help find her. They say she has been part of the family for so long, they can't imagine life without her.

"She's just literally part of the family. Like older than our kids being with us. And she could be with us another 20-40 years. So, I feel it's been cut short. I really really hope we can spend another 20 years together," said Laura Torres.

Anyone that spots a tortoise in the neighborhood is asked to email They ask anyone who may find her to either pick her up by her shell and place her in a box or to simply wait with her until the family can come retrieve her. They say they will come running as soon as they get word...and are offering a reward for her safe return.