Residents of a city housing complex in the Bronx say they are horrified by a recent influx of rats.

They say the rodents have been an ongoing problem at Claremont Rehab Apartments for months.

NY1 is also told that a baby was bitten by a rat and had to go on antibiotics.

Video posted to Instagram shows several rats pests crawling around a kitchen inside one of the affected buildings.


The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) told NY1 it is working to resolve the problem. They add, “Since this first came to our attention, we have taken aggressive steps to address the current infestation by eliminating rodent access to the building and the apartments, which will also keep future rodents away.”

The agency said one way it is working to resolve the issue is by plastering the walls to eliminate entry points for the rats.

City Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson said the infestation needs immediate attention.

"Living with rats is unacceptable. No human being in the city of New York should ever live like this. One tenant had seven rats, Mr. Mayor. Seven rats. We cannot continue to hold press conferences just to get the Housing Authority to do its job," Gibson said.

“I think this community should not live like this. Everyone in this building should not live like this. They think we are animals. We are human beings, we work, we pay bills," said Jessica DeJesus, a Claremont tenant.

Residents are also concerned about their electric bills. They tell NY1 that Consolidated Edison workers cannot get into the basement of the building, so the utility has to estimate the cost of the electric bills.