With fewer than 100 days before voting begins in the New York City primary, NY1 is sitting down with candidates running for mayor.

On Thursday, Brooklyn state Sen. Zellnor Myrie joined “Mornings On 1” to make his case to voters.

“New Yorkers are expecting bold solutions in this moment that match the scale of the problem,” Myrie said. “That's why I proposed a million homes over the next decade. It's why I've talked about free after-school for everyone and lowering the cost of child care, extending pre-K and 3-K from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.”

Myrie, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, said affordability is central to his campaign.

“My whole story is not possible without an affordable New York City,” he said. “My parents came here 50 years ago from Costa Rica. They worked in factories when they got here, sent me to public schools. It's why I've been able to stay.”

Asked how he stands out in the crowded field, Myrie pointed to his personal experience.

“Part of it is lived experience,” he said. “I'm still taking the train every single day. I still have student loans like everyone else. I'm trying to find a place to put down roots with my wife in central Brooklyn, where we were born and raised.”

He added New York needs ambitious leadership, and he believes he can deliver.

“We can't keep nibbling at the edges. We can't keep thinking small. This is New York City,” Myrie said. “We built the Empire State Building in 13 months in the 1920s. We have the opportunity to be bold in that vision. I'm the only candidate that's proposing bold solutions for this moment.”

With ranked choice voting again in play, Myrie said his campaign is focused on getting its message out.

“It's still early in this race, and so I think it is incumbent on all of us to be putting out our vision,” he said. “My focus is going to be hitting the pavement and talking to voters. We're still a ways out from early voting, and when that first vote will be cast.”

Myrie also said he will look to highlight his experience in Albany.

“I've had close to 70 bills signed into law in my past seven years,” he said. “I chaired the Elections Committee for six years. I passed something called early voting. We were the 38th state in the nation to do it.”

He argued voters are seeking a mayor who will focus on the job, and believes many voters want a change from Mayor Eric Adams, who has been fending off federal corruption charges, and former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is looking to make a political comeback after resigning as governor in 2021.

“I think a lot of voters are looking for new and fresh leadership, and they're tired of what they've seen out of this administration,” he said. “But they're also tired of what they've seen out of previous administrations and previous leaders.”