POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. -- The hot dog has been an American staple in homes for decades. At Soul Dog in Poughkeepsie, you'll find food that continues that tradition, but with a new age twist.

"Soul Dog has been here for nine years. I've been the owner for the last two plus years. Soul Dog is a hot dog joint with a difference. Yes we have hot dogs, but we have a lot more than that. We have a lot of unusual toppings to go on your hot dogs, we have a chicken hot dog, an Italian sausage hot dog that is made locally," said Susan Wysocki, the owner and head chef.

Included in their take on tradition is updating their cooking techniques to meet the dietary needs of consumers.

"We have a dedicated gluten free kitchen, which means there is no fear of cross contamination. You can come and have a hot dog and French fries and be assured that there has been no gluten. Our deep fryers are dedicated gluten free. We also have a dedicated vegan deep fryer," said Wysocki.

You may not think that a hot dog could be considered a healthier option, but the crew at Soul Dog is trying to change that notion.

"It's not health food, its healthier food. So, if you want a quick meal for your child, you can come here and you can have things that you know number one are gluten free, if you have that need -- but stuff is made from scratch. My goal is to do as much local sourcing as possible," said Wysocki.

With many also minding their wallets, in addition to their waistlines, this eatery is bound to give you a solid bang for the buck.

"I want them to experience great food at a good value. I want them to be surprised when they walk in here. Many people come in thinking it's just a hot dog place and then they see everything that we have. Bottom line is that the food is going to be absolutely delicious," said Wysocki.