ROCHESTER, N.Y. —The roster of the Rochester Americans is comprised of players from around the globe, including a Swedish former first-round pick, Erik Brännström.

It’s been a wild ride from a small town in Sweden to now spearheading the Americans chase the Calder Cup trophy en route to yet another NHL stint for Brännström.

“It’s been fun for me,” he said. “Skilled players, fast-paced team. So it’s been great so far.”

Like many others in the NHL system, a lot of young talent played juniors abroad.

“Yeah, it’s similar to Finland, I would say, more hold on to the puck. I mean, it’s a lot of skilled players too,” he noted. “It’s a good system in Sweden and great quality of hockey here in New York.”

Coming from the international sphere to nearly a decade stateside, learning the NAHL and AHL style never stops.

Brännström has made stops with the Vegas, Ottawa, Vancouver, Colorado and New York (Rangers) farm systems before making his way to Western New York and there’s certainly not a missed mile marker along the way.

“My first goal, I’m going remember against Montreal and Ottawa. my first goal for Vancouver, too, was really cool,” said Brännström. “My first NHL game too. Cool moments.”

Hoping to get settled and get back up to the NHL, it’s about gelling with the team and using his game to maintain the success in Flower City.

“We’re playing fast. And, it’s really fun. It’s allowed building here. And that creates a lot of energy. Of course, when we win, it’s easier to come to the rink every day, and everyone is in a good mood. So I think that helps a lot as well.”