On the January 27, 2018 episode of "On Stage," hosted by Frank DiLella:
- We celebrate Broadway's longest-running musical, "The Phantom of the Opera," as it turns 30.
- Frank talks to Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cameron Mackintosh, and more at the Rainbow Room Gala.
- Legendary director Hal Prince explains how he keeps the show in shape, three decades in.
- Some of the show's most notable alumni — Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Rebecca Luker, Hugh Panaro, and Howard McGillin — tell us their favorite "Phantom" stories.
- Four behind-the-scenes creatives/crewmembers, who have been with the show for all 30 years, dish on what it's like to be with the same show for three decades.
- Patrick Pacheco examines the curious life and untimely death of acclaimed "Phantom" set and costume designer Maria Bjornson.