Residents in one Queens neighborhood are cleaning up after a water main break poured through their neighborhood Tuesday.

Authorities said a water main next to the Queensbridge Houses in Long Island City burst early Tuesday morning, flooding Vernon Boulevard and submerging dozens of cars in muddy water.

The city began responding to the scene around 2 a.m. Just after 6 a.m., the Department of Environmental Protection announced they shut off water in the area, leaving approximately 450 customers without water. The ​city set up water stations to ensure residents had access to water in the interim.

The water was not turned back on until after 4 p.m., according to the city.

“I asked a firefighter what he thought. He said it’s definitely about four to five feet of water up on all these cars,” said Ronald Ragbir, who was woken up at 3 a.m. by a neighbor to learn his car was submerged in water. “My brother-in-law’s car’s windows started going down. Everything electronically in your car is getting messed up.”

A water main broke on the same block in January of 2021, flooding the streets and leaving nearby residents without water.

One resident in the area, Alex Saez, lost his car during the January 2021 flood. His new car was damaged during Tuesday’s break.

“Now I lose another car in the same spot? This is the second time this has happened to us already. What is the city doing?” Saez asked. “How can the same pipe bust twice now? This is unacceptable.”

“Now we have no water in this development again,” Saez added.

Saez filed for reimbursement with the city comptroller’s office after the January 2021 flood, but has yet to receive any funds. According to sources within the comptroller’s office, none of the claims filed after that flood have been settled nearly 18 months later.