There's a special election on Tuesday, May 14 for a City Council district that includes Flatbush, Midwood, Flatlands, and Canarsie. The winner would replace Jumaane Williams on the council, after he was elected Public Advocate in February. Let this guide help you navigate the candidates and issues so you can cast an informed vote for the 45th City Council district.
Remember: NY1 will be your place for all your coverage on Election Night. We will have full coverage on NY1 and right here on, as well as on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
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Candidate Victor Jordan will apear on Inside City Hall on Friday, May 10, 2018. Check back for the candidate's interview.
Anthony Alexis
Current job: Community advocate for seniors in Brooklyn.
Background: Former aide for the state Assembly and City Council.
One Thing to Know: Calls for the elimination of tax lien sales.
Victor Jordan
Current job: Economist.
Background: Community Board 17 member and former high school math teacher.
One Thing to Know: Calls for a plan to end foreclosures and prevent gentrification.
Farah Louis
Current job: Deputy Chief of Staff and Budget Director for Jumaane Williams, before he vacated the council seat.
Background: Former health care administrator in Brooklyn.
One Thing to Know: Wants to prevent residential homes from being overshadowed by high-rise buildings.
Jovia Radix
Current job: Attorney
Background: Was the Brooklyn regional director for the governor's office.
One Thing to Know: Argues the city needs to reform third-party transfers so homeowners in the district aren't forced out.
Xamayla Rose
Current job: Trustee for Christopher Rose Community Empowerment Campaign, which directs youth services.
Background: Worked for former Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.
One Thing to Know: Wants to bring more anti-violence services to young people as the local councilwoman.
Adina Sash
Current job: Small business owner and community activist.
Background: Previously ran for the 45th Assembly District.
One Thing to Know: Also known as "Flatbush Girl," a character that uses humor to create social commentary on gender and the Orthodox Jewish community.
Rickie Tulloch
Current job: Senior director at New York City Health + Hospitals.
Background: Previously served on Community Board 17.
One Thing to Know: Calls for the city to freeze the value of homes for seniors who have lived in their residences for at least three years to prevent them from being forced out.
Monique Chandler-Waterman
Current job: Founder and executive director of nonprofit East Flatbush Village, focusing on anti-violence outreach.
Background: Was the community outreach director for Williams.
One Thing to Know: The only candidate endorsed by Williams.