Once a top aide to the mayor, Rana Abbasova is now a key cooperator in the federal investigation into whether Eric Adams 2021 mayoral campaign had conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal donations.

Abbasova was a liaison between the Turkish community and the Adams campaign.

What You Need To Know

  • Rana Abbasova, a former aide and liaison to the Turkish community, is now reportedly cooperating with federal investigators

  • Mayor Eric Adams downplayed the new development on Tuesday as he continued to maintain he has broken no laws

  • Abbasova has been on leave since November. Following the raid of her home, Abbasova reportedly tipped off other City Hall staffers to the raid

  • Federal probe centers on whether Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal donations

Adams deflected questions on Tuesday about the recent development, but notes he has been accused of no wrongdoing. 

“I’m clear. I follow the law. I sleep well at night,” he said.

Abbasova served as an official in the mayor’s office of international affairs. Her home was raided last November, along with that of ex-top fundraiser Briana Suggs. 

She has been on leave since November. Following the raid of her home, Abbasova reportedly tipped off other City Hall staffers to the raid. 

“Just to be clear, it’s my understanding that it’s been almost seven months since Ms. Abbasova began speaking with the authorities after we proactively began reporting certain conduct,” said Adams.  

City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg reiterated the mayor remains in good standing with the law. 

“I said several months ago that I had received no indication that the mayor is a target and that has not changed,” she said.

It is unclear what information Abbasova is sharing with federal investigators. 

The New York Times, which first reported the development, said Abbassova had knowledge about Adams’ dealings with Turkish officials. 

Under her post in the mayor’s office as director of protocol for international affairs, she was assigned to vet, organize meetings and create events for foreign dignitaries. 

The investigation continues to loom in the mayor’s orbit, though it has not directly involved him.  

“The review taking place by federal authorities it’s going to run its course,” Adams said. “There have been unfounded allegations against me, and they have always come to the same conclusion: the guy follows the law.” 

Federal officials are also examining whether the mayor pressured the fire department to fast-track inspections at the Turkish consulate in 2021 despite safety risks. 

Adams has repeatedly defended his help in getting the consulate open. The mayor has said he simply asked the fire department commissioner to look at the issue. 

Neither the mayor, any individual in his campaign or administration, has been accused of any wrongdoing.