Amid concerns about a rise in hate crimes against Asian New Yorkers, the city has unveiled a new resource to report these kinds of attacks.

If Asian New Yorkers feel they been the victim of discrimination, or if anyone witnesses a hate crime against a person of Asian descent, they can visit and report it. Through this website, New Yorkers can also access the city's toolkit with additional resources to help combat Asian hate crimes.

Mayor Bill de Blasio also suggests using the hashtag #StopAsianHate on social media to spread awareness of the campaign.

The city says there were at least 16 reported violent crimes against Asians in New York City last year, as well as hundreds of discrimination and harassment reports.

Speaking at the mayor's daily press briefing Tuesday, Jo-Ann Yoo, the head of the Asian American Federation, said community safety is something all New Yorkers should prize.

"We are scared, outraged and devastated by hate incidents against Asian New Yorkers. Many who are front-line workers, who helped anchor the city at a time when we were needed the most. Yet, we continue to be violently treated as outsiders in the communities we helped to sustain,” Yoo said.

The city's Office for Preventing Hate Crimes will be meeting with members of the Asian community this week to discuss other safety measures that should be put into place.