"This conduct is not America First. It is Donald Trump First," said New York Jerry Nadler, an impeachment manager.
Thursday, the Democrats' seven impeachment managers again took turns building their case against President Donald Trump.
Rep. Sylvia Garcia tried to discredit the idea that then-Vice President Joe Biden had acted corruptly in carrying out U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine, noting the timing of Trump's fixation.
"Right before President Trump's call with President Zelensky, where he asks for the investigation into Biden, the Fox News poll showed Biden beating Trump by 10 points," she said.
Democrats say Trump harmed America's security interests when he withheld military aid from Ukraine, a foreign ally at war with Russia, a foreign adversary, all as Trump pushed a debunked conspiracy theory that a DNC server was hidden in Ukraine, an idea that was itself part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
"I mean, you can almost imagine the incredulity of Vladimir Putin. 'You're kidding, right?' You mean, he really believes this? His own people don't believe this," said Rep. Adam Schiff, an impeachment manager and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Nadler gave a history lesson on the constitutional grounds for impeaching Trump.
"This is precisely the kind of abuse that the framers had in mind when they wrote the impeachment clause," he said.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren focused on Trump's personal attorney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whom Democrats say was pursuing Trump's personal political interest, not the country's. She also nudged Republicans to allow new witnesses who could provide relevant testimony, like former national security advisor John Bolton.
"Rudy Giuliani's role in Ukraine policy is yet another topic that Ambassador Bolton could speak to," Lofgren said. "You should call him and hear what he has to say about it."
In a rare lighter moment, New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries drew laughs when he appealed to bipartisanship.
"Perhaps we can all agree to subpoena the Baseball Hall of Fame to try to figure out who out of 397 individuals, one person voted against Derek Jeter," Jeffries said.