Two controversial police oversight bills are moving forward in the city council — and Mayor Bill de Blasio says he intends to sign them.
The "Right to Know Act" would require police officers to identify themselves and offer a business card to people they stop for a suspected crime.
"Clarifies how people will have more information when an officer addresses them, clarifies how a searches are undertaken," de Blasio said. "It's been a good collegial negotiation, and we feel good about it."
The act would also require police officers get consent before searching a person if the officer does not have probable cause.
The mayor previously opposed the legislation, but called it a good piece of reform Tuesday.
Bronx City Councilman Ritchie Torres also expressed support:
"Keep in mind that a practice that might seem controversial at first glance can become less controversial over time," Torres said on the "Road to City Hall" on Tuesday. "As you become accustomed to it, it just becomes embedded in the everyday culture of the NYPD. That's the logic of Miranda."
A major police union denounced the legislation and called it "a dangerous distraction from the very real threats to our city."