The president of the 18,000-member New York State Profesional Fire Fighters Association was re-elected to a fourth term on Thursday, the labor group announced. 

Albany City Firefighter Sam Fresina will once again lead the association; he was first elected to the post as statewide president in 2016. 

Fresina pointed to efforts to addressing retirement, safety programs and health care for firefighters in New York. 

“I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve as NYSPFFFA’s president,” said Fresina. “The unanimous support of the membership is an endorsement of our priorities and the ability to deliver during challenging times. Moving forward, we will continue to fight for pension tier fairness, for additional funding for safety programs and health care screenings for the membership, and legislation that recognizes the extraordinary contributions and role played by those who serve in the professional fire service, and ensures for adequate fire protection and staffing 24-hours per day.”

Fresina has pointed to some successes during his most recent term, including addressing heart disease in firefighters as well as more funding for safety and training programs and a firefighters bill of rights.