ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A St. Petersburg woman has been feeding homeless people in Unity Park for years. Germaine “GG” Marshall has a special inspiration for her work.

What You Need To Know

  • Germaine "GG" Marshall feeds homeless people at Unity Park in St. Petersburg

  • The feeding ministry is part of the Wind and Word Life House Church

  • Marshall was inspired by her mother, Gert, who invited people to her home for food

  • Marshall also started a church ministry for mothers, fathers and families in need

“We have lunches with sandwiches and water. And these folks can take them with them,” Marshall said as she walked toward her car packed in an alley next to the park.

In her back seat, she had dozens of bags filled with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches made with biscuits. And in her trunk, she had Ziploc style bags filled with personal care items including toothbrushes and wet wipes. 

“Hi guys. Good morning. Hey. Hi. We have lunches,” she said as a small group of homeless resents gathered at the back of her car. Marshall and other members of the Wind and Word Life House Church handed out the food.

Marshall took a handful of the sandwiches and walked around the park to hand them to people who hadn’t come to the back of the car. “I have some extra sandwiches. These are biscuits,” she said to the people.

Marshall knows many of the homeless people in the park by name. “Yes, I have been doing this a long time and they are our friends. And we love them very much,” she said.

Marshall said she talked with her pastor about how she could be useful after her mother, Gert, passed away. That’s when the idea for the feeding program was born. Gert was known for inviting people to her home for food.

“I know my mom is in heaven looking down and smiling,” she said. “Because we did a lot for other people growing up. It was a no-brainer. We just helped people.”

Marshall was particularly enthusiastic about handing out the personal care items. “They want to be clean and they want to be neat. They don’t want to look like they are on the street.”

Homeless resident Cedrick Williams was a fan of Marshall’s work. “I think it’s wonderful. It’s absolutely wonderful. It inspires hopes of people in the community,” he said.

“It’s all Jesus. Not me,” said Marshall. “We just feel led to help them. They are very good people.”

Marshall also recently started a new ministry at her church that provides support to mothers, fathers and families.