A notoriously dangerous swath of Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn is set to receive a series of safety improvements, officials said this week.

The changes are concentrated along the western corridor of Atlantic Avenue, between Henry and Court streets, and include updates like expanded pedestrian space, new pedestrian islands, upgraded traffic signals and vehicle travel lane markings, the city’s Department of Transportation said.

Officials said the upgrades will reduce injuries, help ease congestion and aide economic growth in the area.

“Atlantic Avenue is a vital transportation artery for Brooklyn, and these critical upgrades will make it significantly easier to walk the avenue, support economic development, and enhance safety by better managing traffic through the corridor,” DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez said in a statement.

At the corner of Court Street and Atlantic Avenue, some changes have already been implemented, including updated traffic signals and a new turning lane.

Included in the suite of safety enhancements are two new concrete pedestrian islands at Columbia Street and new mid-block crosswalks between Court and Clinton streets and Henry and Clinton streets, the DOT said.

The DOT said it may also bring “curb enhancements” like loading zones to the corridor, “in consultation with the community.”

It’s not the first time the city has turned its attention to the busy thoroughfare: Since safety improvements between Pennsylvania Avenue and Logan Street were completed in 2020, city data shows that the area has seen a 39% decrease in pedestrian injuries and a 14% reduction in cyclist injuries, according to the DOT.