Consider these the pigeons you want to see volunteers, who call themselves the Pick Up Pigeons, cleaning up the streets of Canarsie.

"Picking up trash is actually a lot of fun,” Rachael Cain, the group’s founder, said. “In New York, there's a lot of it so there's no shortage."

What You Need To Know

  • Rachael Cain is the founder of the Pick Up Pigeons, a trash clean-up group

  • The group meets up to clean up different spots a few times a month

  • They've picked up thousands of pounds of trash of city streets

Cain started the informal group last year, inspired by some wholesome trash pick-up posts online.

"They'll post the bag of trash that they picked up and everyone just comments back 'Thank you.' It's, like, very sweet," she said.

Cain started picking up garbage alone but eventually started inviting people to join her on social media.

"It really is more fun with people. When you do it alone, you look a little crazy."

Now, volunteers meet her throughout Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan a few times a month to spruce up different neighborhoods. Cain said there's just something about cleaning away the trash.

"The before and after is very, like, lip smacking good and like so good,” she said. “And when you see the impact that you've made on a block, you know, you end up feeling really positive about, about what you've done."

Cain's Pigeons have picked up thousands of pounds of garbage.

They keep it light, especially when they find the odder items like toilet seats and containers of carrots.

"It's fun to kind of reverse engineer how the trash got somewhere, you know, like a cookout gone wrong.”

Each cleaning session ends the same way: at a local bar for a nightcap.

"If you don't want to see trash around you, you could do it yourself,” Cain said.  “It's being outside, seeing new neighborhoods, making friends," she added.

For cleaning the city and finding a flock to join her, Rachael Cain is our New Yorker of the Week.