There was a long line formed outside Caffe Aronne on the Upper East Side Tuesday.

Owner Aaron Dahan says five out of seven employees at the coffee shop quit in protest of his support for Israel.

What You Need To Know

  • Aaron Dahan owns a coffee shop, and he says five out of seven employees quit in protest of his support for Israel
  • Since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, $1 from every sale at the shop has been donated to the Israeli Red Cross
  • NY1 was unable to reach the employees who quit for a statement

“They felt we were pushing an agenda. That we were spreading false news, fake news. A lot of people told me, ‘You need to understand these people were never actually kidnapped. They are not real people. This is all artificial intelligence,’” Dahan said.

Since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, $1 from every sale at the shop has been donated to the Israeli Red Cross.

On Tuesday morning, Dahan says he received notification after notification of employees who left. He planned to close the shop early, but his mother stepped in.

“I’m not letting you close. I’ll be there,” Peggy Dahan said.

Ashley Lucas is her assistant, and she volunteered at the coffee shop.

“I got here at 9 a.m. It wasn’t that busy and we didn’t really know what the turnout was going to be and then at 10:30 a.m., it got really insane,” Lucas said.

Aaron Dahan says when the community got word of what happened, support came pouring in.

“People from other businesses. Frankly, there’s baristas from previous competitors that came here. It’s something,” Dahan said.

He says New Yorkers donated baked goods, cups and their time.

“There’s no line that would be too long to support a person who stands so proudly for Israel and what happened to their business isn’t fair. If it was 10 blocks, we would be standing here,” Upper East Side resident Stacey Tohar said.

While what happens next is unclear, Dahan says he knows the community will have his back.

“New York and Israel are two places that understand terror more than anyone else unfortunately, and when the time comes to stand up, we stand up and are there for each other,” Dahan said.

NY1 was unable to reach the employees who quit for a statement.