Sunday’s colder temperatures, coupled with long stretches of rain, forced dozens of volunteers who are pro-Israel to delay plans to put up and distribute posters all over Manhattan that show Israeli hostages, who they hope and pray will be released and brought home.

Organizers with the group “Never Again Is Now” did move forward with a rally Sunday at Cooper Square, and they remain committed to displaying posters that show kidnapped hostages, even though many have been ripped down.

What You Need To Know

  • Many gathered for a rally in Cooper Square called “For Safe Release of Hostages”

  • Organizers with recently formed group “Never Again Is Now” said for every poster that shows kidnapped hostages that are torn down, five more will go up

  • The rally in Midwood, urges solidarity for Israel

“Twenty thousand posters,” said Benny Aryeh, co-founder of “Never Again Is Now.” “For every poster that they rip down, we are going to put another five up in place. And we’re going to continue showing them we do care. [These are] our people. There are 200 hostages.”

Protester Miriam Yoselevich moved to New York City from Jerusalem about a year ago. She said five of her best friends were killed in the Oct. 7 surprise attack by Hamas.

“It was very, very hard for me. It’s my best friends, two are my roommates. They were killed, and it’s very hard for me. I am trying to focus and know they are in a better place in heaven, that they go straight to heaven. They died just for being Jewish,” Yoselevich said.

Yoselevich said in her belief, Israel has every right to defend itself from antisemitism.

“If someone will attack America, no one would ask American to be quiet. Everyone would ask America to react. When it’s Israel, suddenly people are like, ‘Be nice and don’t attack back.’ If someone attacks you, you attack back or suddenly everyone will attack you,” Yoselevich continued.

Meanwhile, in Brooklyn, a rally in Midwood drew pro-Israel protesters to Ocean Parkway.

Organizers had urged people to show their support for Israel, the safety of the soldiers, and the release of the hostages.