Carolyn Breidenbach is part of the family at P.S. 198 on the Upper East Side. The 94-year-old volunteer has been a fixture at the school for more than two decades. 

"If I teach one child one thing a day I feel I had a good day," said Breidenbach, who first started volunteering at the school through the now defunct Learning Leaders program.

It came at the urging of her late son Bobby Klineman, who felt she should keep busy after her retirement from a development job at the Museum of Modern Art.

What You Need To Know

  • 94-year-old Carolyn Breidenbach is a volunteer at P.S. 198 on the Upper East Side

  • The Upper East Side resident has been volunteering at the school since 2000

  • Breidenbach typically helps out in the school's media lab and is known throughout the school community

"He said to me, ‘You can't stay home,’ after I retired, and I said, ‘Bobby, I don't know what I want to do,’ and he said, ‘You have to do something, you cannot stay home,’” said Breidenbach.

She followed her son's advice: She has become a favorite among students and teachers at the school, including media and technology teacher Lauren Figari. The two have established a close bond over the years, leading to many teaching moments. 

"She had these negatives, film negatives. They fell on the floor, and the kids were like, what's that, so we got into a whole entire discussion about film negatives and she held it up and she had the real picture and we talked about the different colors and the kids were fascinated staring at her waiting for the next description of what the film negative truly was," said Figari, who keeps a collection of technology from over the years in the school's media lab.

Breidenbach often tells the children about the contrasts in technology from theirs and her childhoods, noting she didn't watch television until she was in college at the age of 18. The students appreciate having someone who is always willing to answer a question or help them out during class.  

"I appreciate Ms. Carolyn, because she comes in every single day having a smile on her face and she helps and she cares about the kids," said Sariya Husain, a P.S. 198 third grader.

"Whenever I am in a situation and I don't know something she usually comes over and helps me figure it out," said Liam Flowers, another third grader.

Breidenbach, who lives just a few blocks from the school, credits the experience with keeping her active and fulfilled, ready to be on the go every day.

"I really believe this is what has prolonged my life, I would not be what I am if I had not been involved in this school," said Breidenbach. 

Breidenbach said as long as she is physically able, she will be at P.S. 198. She has no intentions of doing anything else.