George Whipple is grateful.
The NY1 entertainment reporter normally joins “Mornings On 1” to debrief on the latest movie screening or film festival in the city. On Wednesday, he stopped by to talk about his journey practicing gratitude.
He credits his new perspective and jubilant attitude on a program located about 90 minutes north of the city in Philipstown, New York. The Garrison Institute teaches people how to adopt a fresh, healthy mindset.
Author and coach Sander Tideman is the program director for the Compassionate Leadership Initiative. According to Tideman, working on these skills gives you the chance to recharge.
“It’s just the capacity to reflect, to pause, to take a moment and to look inside. We are so much oriented outward with our senses, our vision, our auditory capacity, always we’re busy outside,” Tideman says. “Through contemplation you can look inside and sort of look at who you really are.”
Practicing gratitude over the holidays and beyond
PUBLISHED 12:25 PM EST Dec. 22, 2022