NORTH CAROLINA — As we get ready to welcome in the warmer months, that also means the possibility for more severe weather.

“Your family should prepare now for possible extreme weather in the coming months,” said N.C. Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey.“Your family should prepare now for possible extreme weather in the coming months,” said N.C. Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey.

In 2021, North Carolina recorded 21 tornadoes, 109 flooding incidents, 101 large hail events and 344 damaging wind events, according to the National Weather Service.

During Severe Weather Preparedness Week, March 6-12, Causey says it’s a good time for families to establish and discuss an emergency storm-readiness plan so everyone knows how to respond in the event of severe weather.

Families should also prepare an emergency kit and take an inventory of and document what you own to help insurance companies examine potential losses and assure proper coverage.

RELATED: It's time to start preparing for severe weather season in North Carolina

On March 9, North Carolina will conduct its annual statewide tornado drill. Causey offers the following tips should a tornado threaten your area:

  • Know the terms: “Watch” means a tornado is possible. “Warning” means a tornado has been spotted; take shelter immediately
  • Go to the basement or storm shelter if you have one. Avoid areas where heavy objects (like a piano or refrigerator) are on the floor above you, as they could fall through the floor and injure you
  • If driving, leave your vehicle immediately to seek safety in an adequate structure. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your vehicle and do not stop under an overpass or a bridge

“Not only should you have an emergency plan in place, but one of your top priorities should be to make sure you have the appropriate insurance coverage for dangerous storms and flooding that could cause serious damage to your home or your property,” Causey said in a release.

The following insurance tips, Causey said, should also help families be better prepared for severe weather:

  • Most homeowners’ and renters’ insurance policies do not cover damage from floods, although most mobile homeowners’ and comprehensive auto policies do
  • A landlord’s insurance policy likely won’t cover damage to a renter's personal property
  • The National Flood Insurance Program takes 30 days to take effect. Waiting to take out a flood policy once a storm or hurricane is in motion will be too late
  • Just because there’s no longer a mortgage on a home does not nullify the need for homeowners’ insurance

Justin Pryor - Digital Media Producer

Justin is a Charlotte-based digital media producer. He is a South Carolina native who worked in similar roles at a Charlotte TV station before joining Spectrum News 1 in 2019. Justin is a graduate of the University of South Carolina.