NEW YORK — Angelica Dalzon is a senior Illustration major at the School of Visual Arts. Her series of digital prints called “Breath, Eyes, Memory” looks at a family of women and values within the Haitian culture.
Dalzon is Haitian American, raised in suburban New Jersey.
“There’s healing and there’s trauma, but healing by the end, and I think that’s the important part," Dalzon said.
Dalzon’s work is part of an exhibition she co-curated with fellow student Kyra Husbands at SVA’s Chelsea Gallery, on the 15th floor of 601 W. 26th St.
What You Need To Know
- “The Way We See Us” is an art show put on by students at the School of Visual Arts to honor Black History Month
- The exhibition is on display at SVA’s Chelsea Gallery
- The exhibition runs through Feb. 21
“I wanted to tell stories that I thought were important, or not seen,” Dalzon said.
The show is called "The Way We See Us," and honors Black History Month. Dalzon said the show is about the individuality of the Black college students at SVA participating, noting that the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement has in some cases brought a heavy burden to Black artists to make work that reflects the times.
“I also have to realize for myself, and just for the sake of my self-care and mental health, I just have to feel like, 'Today I am just a person, and I am going to express myself as one person would do,”' Dalzon said.
There are more than three dozen works of art in the gallery, created by seven artists. Many focus on family, and there are paintings, pieces made using fabric, and digital prints.
SVA Director of Galleries Francis Di Tommaso said it was a pleasure working with the students to put together the powerful show.
“It’s the most rewarding kind of experience that I can have here as the director of the galleries,” Di Tommaso said.
The show is great exposure for the young artists. The gallery is located within the busy Chelsea Gallery District. Dalzon is confident visitors will like what they see.
“I hope folks will look at this art and be like, 'Wow, that was really refreshing, and it was beautiful, and I’m excited just to keep going,'” Dalzon said.
"The Way We See Us" will be on display through Feb. 21. Visitors must show we proof of vaccination and photo ID, and wear a mask, to visit the gallery. Find out more on SVA's website.