The music is pumping at Union Hall in Park Slope, Brooklyn, but the comparisons to other clubs ends there. Songs from Disney films are blaring over the speakers and everyone singing along.

Disney classics from films like Mary Poppins are what gets the crowd going at this adult sing-along.

"I think people tend to shy away or get embarrassed by karaoke when it's them in front of a whole audience. But where everyone gets to sing-along as a group, that's a lot of fun," one guest told us.

On stage and mixing with the crowd is the creator of these festivities, Michael Austin.

"I love karaoke, but I'm really impatient and all I want to do is sing," Austin says.

Ten years ago, Austin threw himself a sing-along birthday party and it was a real hit.

“I was like, ‘Oh, I should do these all the time and make these myself.’ It snowballed from there with themes like the 80s and 90s, Madonna, Disney," he recalls.

After a few years, Austin made this his full-time job, creating a company called SecretFormula, which produces several sing-alongs a month, boasting, "It’s the best parts of karaoke, but no mics, no waiting to sing, and no stage fright since EVERYONE is singing!"

"I worked in polling. I wrote and analyzed polls for companies and political campaigns and it was a terrible job. So good riddance," says Austin.

Now he pours over song lists and creates captions instead. His partner in SecretFormula Sing-alongs is Nell Casey. An actor by trade, she helps to lead these group karaoke’s in Brooklyn where they both live  

"I love these events because of the energy people come here with. They want to have a good time and let go and just be a kid again," she told us.

SecretFormula has expanded to other cities. For these club goers it's not just entertainment, it's a sense of community, and a reminder just how excited we can get about a great song.

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