Monday was Jessica Mann's second day on the witness stand in Harvey Weinstein's sex crimes trial.
The one-time aspiring actress said Weinstein raped her in New York and Los Angeles. But Defense Attorney Donna Rotunno sought to cast doubts on Mann's credibility by accusing Mann of having sex with Weinstein because she was manipulating him to advance her career.
“You lied to him every single time ... You made him believe you wanted to be there,” said Rotunno.
Mann said that wasn’t true.
Mann acknowledged she had a complicated consensual relationship with Weinstein, but said she was the one being abused and manipulated by the disgraced Hollywood heavyweight, whose career crumbled amid a flood of sexual misconduct allegations.
“The more I realized I was being used, I tried not to have sexual encounters with him,”
Mann said. “I wanted to reduce what he wanted from me.”
During the lengthy cross examination, Mann struggled to remember some details and dates.
She was confronted with numerous emails she exchanged with Weinstein in which they praised each other and scheduled meetings.
Rotunno pointed out that Mann, who is now 34 years old, continued to see and contact Weinstein for years after she alleges she was attacked.
While testifying, Mann often looked directly at jurors to explain herself and her actions. She described Weinstein as a monster if he didn't get what he wanted.
"He would only say threatening things to me in person," Mann said. "’You want to be my friend. People who are not my friend don't make it in this town.’"
Mann sobbed when the defense had her read aloud an email she sent to a boyfriend six years ago about their relationship and her relationship with Weinstein. She said Weinstein was her father's age and validated her.
Reading about a sexual assault she suffered when she was younger, Mann broke down uncontrollably. The judge told everyone to come back Tuesday morning.
She was then escorted out of the courthouse, surrounded by officers from the District Attorney’s office.
Mann is the fifth accuser to take the stand against Weinstein.